Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Night Study Guide Answers Chapter 1

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[FREE] Night Study Guide Answers Chapter 1

Nobody listens. This is at the end of How could one man Adolf Hitler possibly wipe out an entire people? News comes from Budapest that the Jews there are subjected to attacks by the Nazis. Then the Germans arrive. Some of them even buy chocolate...

[GET] Night Study Guide Answers Chapter 1

The news is terrible: deportation, starting tomorrow. The police show up to the ghetto at 8am and call all of the Jews out. The police empty the houses, club people with their guns, and do a roll call. The Jews are marched to the synagogue and...

Night by Elie Wiesel Questions chapter 1?

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Night Summary & Study Guide

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Night Summary and Analysis of Chapter 1

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"Night" by Elie Wiesel Study Guide Answers: Chapter 1

The following version of this book was used to create this lesson plan. Michaelides, Alex. The Silent Patient. Macmillan Publishers. The novel begins with the first entry from the diary of Alicia Berenson. She professes her love for her husband Gabriel, as well as her desire to please him by writing in the diary to figure out her emotions. She promises that she will only write normal things. Six years later, a currently unknown narrator says that Alicia killed her husband Gabriel six years prior for reasons unknown. When she was found in her house with the gun, she refused to speak to anyone and tried to kill herself.

night by elie wiesel chapter 1

From then on, she never said anything to anyone, and only painting a single painting of herself naked in her studio with the word Alcestis. The media tried to figure out her motive as she was found guilty of the murder. Thanks to Diomedes, however, Alicia was found insane and put into an asylum called the Grove. Our narrator, however, is still fascinated by her story and decides to apply for a job at the Grove to help her. He then reveals himself as Theo Faber, a psychotherapist who suffered an abusive childhood.

Night chapter 2 annotations

During their first therapy session, however, Theo is disappointed to see that Alicia is heavily medicated and unable to understand him. He tries to contact her brother-in-law Max and her aunt Lydia, but both refuse to speak to Theo. When Theo meets Kathy at a nearby restaurant, he explains that both of them met while dating other people and cheated on their respective partners with each other.

Night Summary Chapter 1

They started dating and were married within a few months. Theo sees Kathy as the light in his life and feels that he is blessed with a love that very few of his patients ever experience. Alicia wonders if she was the real target, but forces herself to stop writing about it. At home, she worked on a painting of Jesus on the cross before she realized she accidentally painted Gabriel. She asked him to pose for her, committed to the new painting, but he was hesitant. When he did reluctantly agree, Alicia struggled to paint the happiness in his eyes. During their next therapy session, Alicia attacks Theo, but he sees that as a sign of improvement as she is actually communicating an emotion. That night, Theo discovers that Kathy is cheating on him. This revelation directly affects his next session with Alicia, as he asks if a part of her hated Gabriel like a part of him hates Kathy. Alicia storms out of the session before Theo realizes how unprofessional the question was.

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At home, Theo smokes some marijuana to calm his nerves, but accidentally cuts himself on a broken wine glass. In a panicked haze, he wanders to the house of his old therapist Ruth who welcomes him inside. After he tells her what he found, she tells him that he needs to leave Kathy because Kathy is incapable of returning the same amount of love to Theo that he gives to her.

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He returns home with the resolve to confront Kathy. However, he decides not to after she gets angry at him for the marijuana she found in the kitchen. Later that week, Theo receives a call from Max and goes to visit him at his office. Max reveals that he is adopted and adored his brother Gabriel. However, he says he hates Alicia for killing Gabriel. It is also revealed that Max had sexually assaulted Alicia and even declared his love for her. However, Alicia believed he was jealous of Gabrie. She was too scared to tell Gabriel about the assault, as Gabriel idolized Max. Back at the Grove, Theo learns from Max that Alicia was treated by a private doctor after a suicide attempt. However, Diomedes tells Theo to stop contacting family members, as the Grove is struggling to stay open without angering a lawyer like Max. Eventually, an angry Lydia sends Theo away. He realizes that Alicia and Paul were both abused by Lydia. Theo heads home to learn that Kathy is planning a night out with her old friend, Nicole.

Night - Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis

Theo, however, is deeply suspicious and resolves to learn the truth himself. While he tells Theo that he loves Alicia and finds her artwork joyous, Theo believes that Jean-Felix is more in love with her paintings than with Alicia herself. A diary entry reveals that Alicia felt the same way and even tried to leave his gallery when Jean-Felix entered her home unannounced. This entry also reveals that Paul was in trouble and received money from Alicia a few weeks before the murder even though Paul told Theo he had not seen Alicia for many years. Theo goes to Diomedes who says that Alcestis felt betrayed, as she did not believe her husband would actually sacrifice her for himself. Theo believes that Alicia feels that she has died at some point in her life and they must bring her back. He asks Diomedes if they can let her paint. He and her art therapist Rowena agree, and Theo hopes Alicia will communicate through her painting. One night during all of this, Theo follows Kathy to her supposed meeting place with Nicole.

Night reading questions chapter 1

He is disappointed, however, when Nicole actually arrives and not the mysterious man that Kathy has been emailing. Back at the Grove, Theo and Yuri introduce Alicia to her own painting space. Within a few days, she paints a picture of the Grove on fire and Theo carrying her outside. It is unclear, however, if he is carrying her to or from the flames. Once there, he learns that Alicia told Barbie she had a stalker, but never told Gabriel or the police. In the emergency ward, however, Elif reveals that she told Alicia that Theo was in love with her. Theo then attends a meeting where the manager Stephanie and Christian have decided to medicate and isolate Alicia. Diomedes tells Theo that his therapy sessions with Alicia are over. Theo goes to see her to apologize and she gives him her diary.

Night Chapter 1 And 2 Study Guide Answers

In the journal, Alicia reveals that she was being watched by an unknown man. However, everyone she told about him - including Gabriel and Dr. West - whom Gabriel forced her to talk to after she became more paranoid - did not believe her. West even forced Alicia into accepting pills, but she only pretended to take them as she believed the man would attack her. In her very last entry, she writes that the man was inside her house.

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After reading the diary, Theo realizes that Dr. West is actually Christian and goes to confront him. Terrified that Theo will tell about his secret meetings with Alicia, as they were paid and undocumented, he tells Theo about the meeting. He says that Alicia was delusional, paranoid and incapable of empathy. However, Theo believes that it is Christian who cannot understand other people and decides to ask Alicia himself. He gives back the diary, but she seems disappointed when he asks about Christian. Theo decides to look for more answers. Back at his house, Theo decides to follow Kathy when she refuses to let him walk with her. Once at the park, he is devastated to not only see a man he does not know, but overhears them having sex. Theo fantasies about killing the man, believing that it is what this father would have done.

Night study guide answers chapter 1

However, Paul is the only one willing to talk to Theo. While he lies about the money, Paul takes Theo to the rooftop of the Cambridge home, as it is a place Alicia always went to. There, he reveals that this is where Vernon "killed" Alicia. In that moment, Alicia herself said that Vernon just killed her. Theo takes this information back to Alicia who finally talks to him for the first time. After receiving further permission from Diomedes, Theo continues to meet with Alicia. She tells him about her life and they eventually share stories from their childhood.

Night Study Guide Questions Chapter 1 - pp. 3-22 1. Describe ...

She says that the man tied her up and talked non-stop until Gabriel came home. Then, the man knocked Gabriel out, tied him up, and shot him in the head six times before leaving. However, when he sees a woman inside, Theo decides he needs to save her and comes up with another plan. The next day, Theo learns that Alicia has overdosed and is in a coma. However, it is Theo who finds the prick in her wrist and reveals that someone injected morphine into her.

The Silent Patient Summary & Study Guide

Outside the Grove, Theo is confronted by an angry Max who promises revenge as Theo walks away. Minutes before Alicia passes out from the morphine, she writes one final diary entry telling the truth. She reveals that she suspected that Theo was the stalker when he first came to the Grove. However, it was not until much later when she purposefully told him the wrong story that she knew for certain. However, she forces herself to stay awake to finally reveal what happened. Theo did tie both her and Gabriel up.

Night Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts

However, when Alicia begged him not to kill Gabriel, Theo asked Gabriel if he should kill him or Alicia. When Gabriel picked himself, Theo fired a shot into the ceiling and pretended to have shot Alicia. However, this was the moment Alicia broke mentally, as Gabriel killed her in the same way her father Vernon did years ago, unbeknownst to Theo at the time. When Theo left, Alicia grabbed the gun and shot Gabriel herself. He wanted her to see the truth so she would seek out a better life and says he would have done things differently if he had known about her past.

Night by Elie Wiesel Chapter 1?

In , when he is twelve, the narrator, Eliezer Wiesel, wants to study the cabbala a form of Jewish mysticism , but his father tells him that he is too young. He tries to warn the townspeople of the atrocities that he has seen, but no one believes him. Everyone thinks he is trying to win sympathy or has simply gone insane. He tells Eliezer that he miraculously survived the concentration camps in order to save the Jews in Sighet, but life continues on as normal during and Eliezer devotes himself to his religious studies, his father busies himself in the Jewish community, and his mother tries to find a husband for Hilda.

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In the spring of , people believe that the Germans will soon be defeated by the Russians, and no one believes that the Nazis could want to exterminate an entire race of people. The Jews do not really consider that anything bad could happen to them, and even though Eliezer asks his father to emigrate to Palestine, his father does not want to start a new life elsewhere. Even after the townspeople hear that the Fascists have come into power in Hungary, no one really worries until the Germans actually invade Hungary and arrive at Sighet itself.

Night Study Guide Questions Chapter 1 - pp. 1. Describe

Even then, the Germans seem nice and friendly, at least until Passover, when the persecution of the Jews begins in full force. Jews are not allowed to leave their homes, are forced to give up their valuables, and are required to wear the yellow star. Next, two ghettos are set up, and everyone is relocated. Once again, however, life returns to "normal," with the Jews setting up organizations and socializing happily. One day Eliezer's father is suddenly summoned to a meeting of the Jewish council. Family and neighbors wait up past midnight to hear whatever news Eliezer's father has to tell them. When he returns from the meeting, he tells them that all the Jews are to be deported to an unknown destination and that they will only be allowed one bag per person.

Akiba Drumer Night

Eliezer and the neighbors disperse to pack and wake everyone else up. Someone from outside the ghetto knocks on the door, but disappears before the door can be opened. Later, Eliezer discovers that it was a family friend in the Hungarian police trying to warn them to escape. Eliezer goes to wake up some of his father's friends, and then everyone cooks and packs in preparation to being deported.

Night Chapter study guide Questions and answers. | medicoguia.com

When the Hungarian police arrive early in the morning and begin forcing people outside into the streets, it is very hot and people are crying out for water. Eliezer and his sisters help the Jewish police to secretly bring water to thirsty children. When it is time for the people in the street to leave, there is joy because at this point people cannot imagine anything more horrible than sitting outside in the hot sun. Eliezer is scheduled to leave in the last transport, and he watches people in the first group march by. The next day, his family is moved from the large ghetto to the small one. Eliezer feels nothing as he looks at the house he grew up in, but his father begins to weep. At this point Eliezer begins to hate his oppressors, and he calls his hate the only thing that still connects him to them today.

Night Vocabulary Chapter 1

In the little ghetto, which is unguarded, people try to remain upbeat. Eliezer's family moves into the house formerly occupied by his uncle's family, and everything is in disarray, as if people were suddenly and unexpectedly driven out. An old, non-Jewish servant named Martha comes to visit and tries to get the family to escape and hide in her village. Eliezer's father refuses to go and tells Eliezer he can go if he wants to. Eliezer refuses to leave his family, and they all remain in the ghetto. It is night, and everyone goes to bed because there is nothing else to do but wait. When they wake at dawn, they are foolishly optimistic and compare the deportation to going on holiday. Eliezer says that the false optimism helped pass the time and notes that the uncertainty of everyone's future erased social distinctions between people. On Friday, the night before the scheduled deportation, the family eats dinner together for the last time.

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The next day, the Jews are ready to leave. They had agreed to organize their own deportation voluntarily, and they are all crowded into the synagogue for an entire day. No one can leave, and people are relieving themselves in corners. The following morning, everyone is herded into cattle wagons, which are sealed shut. The Gestapo puts one person in charge of each car and threatens to shoot him if anyone escapes. A whistle blows, and the train starts moving. Analysis: In this chapter we learn how important religion is to the young Eliezer. Though his father thinks that he is too young to immerse himself in religious mysticism, Eliezer is very devout and focuses all his energy on religious study. As a young boy, religion comes as naturally to Eliezer as living and breathing, and we should pay attention to how his attitude towards religion and God changes as Night progresses. One simply cannot understand the answers that God gives: "You will find the true answers, Eliezer, only within yourself!

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While in concentration camps, Eliezer cannot understand why God is allowing so much death and destruction to take place around him. However, even though he is angry and questions God's actions, he never loses his faith. Though he doesn't come up with any answers, he continues to question God, and in doing so, his faith is actually strengthened. Eliezer's evolving relationship with God is a major source of character development in the novel. Another important theme in the novel concerns the inadvertent role that the Jews played in their own destruction. In the first section of the book, Eliezer is haunted by the complacency and foolish optimism of the Jews in Sighet.


As long as possible, they try to maintain life as normal and even cast a positive light on their situation. For example, when the Jews are forced to move into ghettos, the townspeople act relieved that they no longer have to deal with overt prejudice: "We should no longer have before our eyes those hostile faces, those hate-laden stares. Our fear and anguish were at an end. Though the innocence of the Jewish townspeople is painfully foolish in retrospect, Eliezer does not fault his family and neighbors for being so reluctant to leave Sighet. Although his narrative is filled with regret and a little guilt, he is careful to point out that the optimism of the Jewish townspeople is simply a survival strategy: "These optimistic speeches, which no one believed, helped to pass the time.

Night, Chapter 1

Eliezer will learn this lesson well as he gains time in concentration camps. While this first section of the novel focuses on how the Jews inadvertently participated in their own deportation to concentration camps, later sections will describe how they actively helped destroy each other while imprisoned by the Nazis. Forced under desperate conditions to try to survive, many of them will turn on each other with violence and cruelty.

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In addition, they will learn to bear things they had never imagined possible, such as the sight of their friends and family being beaten by those in authority. Throughout the novel Wiesel is exploring two variations on the same time: how people react in the face of terrible circumstances. Before deportation and in concentration camps, the Jews are put under extreme pressures and behave in ways that they generally wouldn't under normal circumstances. For this reason, the novel can be seen as a kind of psychological study in human behavior. However, Night is far from a coldly objective and distanced analysis of human psychology. Instead, it is a painful and intimate autobiography, and the two emotions that resonate most strongly within it are Eliezer's anger at the Nazis for violating his humanity and that of his people, and guilt that he was able to behave so inhumanely as a result. Night is a novel full of symbolism, and in this chapter Eliezer uses the word "night" repeatedly.

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Night is approaching, night has fallen, Eliezer and his family lie awake at night. Night functions as both a metaphor and a symbol. It is a metaphor for the Holocaust, which will submerge Eliezer's family and thousands of other Jewish families in the darkness and misery of concentration camps. Eliezer will be thrust into a world with no light and no hope, and everything around him will seem as black as night. For example, this passage comes right before Eliezer's family is deported: "Night. No one prayed, so that the night would pass quickly. The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stars, dead eyes. Night also symbolizes the evil and destructiveness of the Nazis.

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