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Romeo And Juliet Prologue Questions And Answers

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It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. Shortly after Juliet first meets Romeo, she tells the nurse "Go ask his name. If he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed. Shortly after Juliet has met...

[FREE] Romeo And Juliet Prologue Questions And Answers | latest!

She has taught Shakespeare and advanced literature for over 25 years. If you are struggling to make sense of the prologue to Romeo and Juliet, try this handy line-by-line analysis. We start first with the prologue in its entirety and a quick summary...

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B Review Iambic pentameter and Romeo and Juliet sonnets. Two high-class families have been fighting for years in the city of Verona, Italy. They are soon to become embroiled in violence again. Their old grudges will erupt in bloodshed and stain their hands. The two households referred to here are the Capulets and Montagues. This line "Two households Remember that in the time period of the play, a "household" might include extended family, friends, and servants.

How to Understand Romeo and Juliet: Prologue Analysis, Line by Line

So, the two households could make up a large part of the population of a smaller town. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene , In the pleasant city of Verona, where this play will take place Verona is in northern Italy. The play is intended to take place in the 14th or 15th century. That would be about years in the past, to Shakespeare's audience. This line simply makes clear that the setting of the play will be in Italy, not England. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, An old grudge and simmering resentment between the two families will burst into new violence. The Capulets and Montagues have a long-standing feud that affects everyone in town. Even their servants hate each other. Though this feud has not erupted in violence for awhile, it will soon do so. The very first scene of the play the one that follows this prologue is a brawl that starts because of some harsh words between the servants of both families. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

In the Prologue, Romeo and Juliet are Described as "a pair of star-crossed lovers"

The violence of the fighting between these families puts blood on the hands of civilians. The Montagues and Capulets get blood on their hands, when they should really be avoiding this kind of low-class brawl. A Double Meaning Consider the play on words here with the two uses of the word "civil. Also think of the image created by hands being unclean and stained with blood. These two things are examples of the poetic use of language in this prologue. The iambic pentameter continues as well, even though it is not marked.

Romeo and Juliet -- Prologue.?

D Two lovers are born from these warring families. Their death will cause the Montagues and Capulets to finally end their feud. A more in-depth analysis of the Romeo and Juliet death scene reveals the details of the double suicide where the star-crossed lovers die in the Capulet tomb. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes These two enemies bore children.

Romeo and Juliet Prologue Activity

Loins is another word for the area between the legs. A baby comes forth from its mother's loins. Referring to them as "fatal" implies immediately that the outcome may be deadly for the child or parent. In the next line, we are to discover that there will be two children, one from each family. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, Two lovers are born from the families. Their love is doomed by fate because of their birth to warring families. The stars, or fates, are against the lovers from the start, as if their astrology dooms them. We can assume that one child will be a boy, and one will be a girl, and that they will fall in love.

Romeo and Juliet Questions and Answers

We do know that Romeo is the boy born into the Montague family and Juliet is the girl born into the Capulet family. What does "Take Their Life" Mean? In other words, the prologue gives you a hint about how this play will end, with the lovers taking their own lives. However, since we know that both Romeo and Juliet commit suicide, the phrase "take their life" has a double meaning that foreshadows later events. Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Whose struggles and defeats should inspire our pity. This line is likely placed to enhance the rhythm of this sonnet. Its meaning is somewhat ambiguous. Misadventures are bad adventures, or bad experiences. Piteous implies that we should feel great sympathy for the lovers. The Meaning of "Misadventured Piteous Overthrows" The word "overthrows" refers to a lesser-known definition of the word.

This Study Guide for Romeo and Juliet

It is: "a removal from power, a defeat or downfall. In their love, Romeo and Juliet rebel against the family feud. Thus, the lovers will have bad experiences worthy of pity and eventually be defeated. However, keep in mind that we have to stretch pretty far to come up with this interpretation. Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.

Romeo and Juliet Test Questions

When the lovers die, the Montagues and Capulets finally stop fighting. The death of Romeo and Juliet is pre-determined with this line. The audience now knows how the story will end. The two lovers will die and the families will end the feud because of this. Also note the double meaning of burying strife with death. When the lovers die, they are buried. The conflict between the families dies as well, and is buried along with Romeo and Juliet. The play will tell the story of how the feud was ended by the death of the two young lovers. The fearful passage of their death-marked love The thrilling story of their doomed love that will cause them to die "Fearful passage" is a poetic way of saying the progress of their love is full of fear. In Shakespeare's time, this also meant a story was thrilling to the audience. Their love is marked for death from the very beginning.

Romeo and Juliet Multiple Choice Test Questions

We are again reminded that the end of the story will be tragic. We begin the play by knowing the end of the story. What we don't know is HOW that end will come about. This keeps the audience and readers interested, and foreshadows the famous balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet. And the continuance of their parents' rage, And the anger that continues between the lovers' parents This line depends on the next line to make it complete. But, it begins by telling us that the story will include the continuing anger between the families. It implies that this "rage" will negatively affect everyone. The real meaning comes in the next line. Shakespeare has a tendency to reverse the order of words. In this line, that is most apparent. What it says is: only the death of the children could take away the rage. So when we read "naught could remove" it means "nothing could remove. The complete meaning, then, is: The continuing feud between the Montagues and Capulets will only be ended because of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers

Nothing else would be strong enough to end the hate. Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage— Is what we will perform for you here on this stage. The chorus is now telling the audience that the whole story just laid out will be performed on the stage. It is somewhat odd that the line says two hours. In general, Shakespeare's plays were much longer than two hours. They often lasted several hours or even an entire afternoon. This anomaly is interesting to people who wish to look deeper.

Romeo and Juliet-Prologue (EASY)

The which, if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Romeo and Juliet Prologue Analysis: Couplet and Turn Rhyme Scheme and Meaning Note that the last two lines rhyme with each other, creating a final couplet as required by the format of a sonnet. G This couplet has a simple meaning. It tells the audience that "If you pay attention to the play, everything will become clear. All the details missed in the prologue will be revealed in the performance.

Romeo and juliet act 1 quiz true or false

The play has its setting in the 16th century in the city of Verona in Italy. The play is filled with puns, oxymorons, soliloquy, and paradoxes. The theme of the play revolves around the love that Romeo and Juliet shared. The play had its first performance in the year It has been acted many more times since then in different stages all over the world. More often than not, the play is used in institutions to teach literature. Various questions are usually derived from its numerous acts for examination purposes. Below are some ten commonly asked questions and answers from the play. They then send a letter to Romeo about their plan. Upon burying her in the grave site, Romeo will then come get her and they will escape. From Act 3 scene 3: Why is the Friar scolding Romeo? Romeo cannot imagine living without Juliet. His banishment puts him in a state of despair. He even prefers being dead than being banished. Act 1 scene 1: Benvolio advices Romeo. What advice that he give Romeo concerning Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet Prologue question?

Benvolio advices Romeo to move on and find and find another girl, something he finds difficult to do. From Act 3 scene 2: Explain the dramatic irony at the beginning of the scene. Juliet thinks that Romeo is dead whereas Tybalt has been banished. This happens to be the opposite of the exact situation. Romeo has been banished whereas Tybalt is dead. Act 4 scene 3: Juliet is quite skeptical with the portion she is about to take.

Romeo and juliet act 1 quizlet

What thoughts are run through her mind? Juliet is skeptical on whether it will work. She also thinks that the portion may kill her. What if she wakes up too early and ends up suffocating in the grave. What if the dead spirits of her ancestors decide to haunt her and drive her insane as she waits for Romeo? Juliet finally has the strength to take the portion. What gives her the strength to take it? The thought of Juliet finally being with Romeo gives her the strength and courage to take the portion. Act 5 scene 1: Romeo has been waiting for a letter.

Romeo and Juliet- Study Guide Questions and Answers

What is it in the letter that he has been waiting for and from who does it come from? Romeo has been waiting for a letter from Friar Lawrence which contains details on the plans for him to finally meet Juliet. What is it that the readers know that Balthazar does not know? Juliet decides to seek help. From who does she decide to get help? Juliet seeks to get help from the nurse. However, she does not get any response. She therefore decides to get help from the Friar. Facebook 0.

Romeo and Juliet: Multiple choice questions

In Act I, when asked if she could love Paris , Juliet replies "I'll look to like, if looking liking move. A "masque" refers to a a disguise worn for certain festivals such as Hallowe'en. Romeo is pining for Rosaline, and Mercutio delivers his "Queen Mab" speech. Queen Mab is a the wife of Prince Escalus. At the Capulet feast, a Tybalt recognizes Romeo by his voice. It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. Shortly after Juliet first meets Romeo, she tells the nurse "Go ask his name. If he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed. Shortly after Juliet has met Romeo, she expresses her sentiments by saying "O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell so sweet. A "soliloquy" is a an aside heard by some actors but not by the audience. In the soliloquy which begins "But, soft! Shakespeare makes it easy and natural for Juliet to express her love for Romeo without seeming to be too "forward" by a confessing to Friar Laurence and Romeo overhears.

Romeo and Juliet Questions and Answers | Q & A | GradeSaver

What does Romeo say about Mercutio to calm her down? Tybalt and he is looking for Romeo Act 3 scene 1: How does Tybalt provoke a fight? Because he feels as if Romeo is mocking him Act 3 scene 1: Who ends up actually starting the fight? Mercutio Act 3 scene 1: Who tries to stop the fight? What happens from this intervention? Romeo Act 3 scene 1: What curse does Mercutio call out before he dies? The Prince; and Romeo is banished from Verona. If he is found in Verona he is to be killed on the spot Act 3 scene 1: Why does the Prince have mercy upon Romeo? Because enough blood and tears have been shed on that day Act 3 scene 2: Where is Juliet and what is she waiting for?

Romeo and Juliet E-Text | Prologue | GradeSaver

Her bedroom. The Nurse to return with word of Romeo he is supposed to come into her bedroom that night Act 3 scene 2: When the Nurse arrives what does she inform Juliet of? When the Nurse says there was a death and a banishment Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and Tybalt is banished when it is the other way around Act 3 scene 2: What does Juliet say that foreshadows her own death? Is he relieved? He is in despair. He is angered because he feels that Romeo should be happy that mercy was given to him and he can still keep his life Act 3 scene 3: Why does the Friar scold Romeo? They are both crying Act 3 scene 3: What does Romeo try to do as he wails over his situation? He picks up the dagger and tries to kill himself Act 3 scene 3: As Romeo is in despair and after he tries to kill himself what does the Nurse give Romeo and what is its significance?

Poetry Romeo And Juliet Prologue

He feels relieve that Juliet still wants to be with him Act 3 scene 3: What plan does the Friar propose to Romeo? Go console Juliet. Yes Act 3 scene 4: What is the dramatic irony in this scene? What does she tell Juliet? No and she tells her that shes washed her hands from the matter meaning she wants nor has anything to do with this matter Act 3 scene 5: Who does Juliet decide to go to for help?

Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers Free Essay Example

He will have word sent to Romeo, he will prepare the potion for Juliet to take, and then he will be a priest at the funeral Act 4 scene 1: What is Juliet holding in her hand, and what does she propose to do? The wedding is being prepared for Act 4 scene 2: What does Juliet tell her Father That she apologizes for her behavior and will marry Paris Act 4 scene 2: How does Capulet respond to Juliet saying she will happily marry Paris? By moving the time of the wedding to a closer date there is less time to get word to Romeo about their plan Act 4 scene 3: Does Juliet take the Nurse into her confidence? No, Juliet no longer trusts the Nurse and she might give away the plan Act 4 scene 3: What thoughts run through Juliets mind as she is about to take the potion?

The Prologue from Romeo and Juliet

What is the potion actually kills her. What is she wakes up to early and suffocates. What is the dead spirits of her ancestors haunt her and drive her insane as she is waiting for Romeo Act 4 scene 3: What give Juliet the strength to take the potion? The thought of seeing and being with Romeo again Act 4 scene 3: Who does Juliet toast to as she is about to take the poison? Is he suggesting that the Capulets should be happy?

Romeo and Juliet Prologue?

That Juliet is dead Act 5 scene 1: What does the reader know that Balthazar does not? The letter from Friar Lawrence telling Romeo more about the plan for him and Juliet Act 5 scene1: Romeo plans to return to Verona; where does he stop and what does he buy before leaving? He stops at an apothecary and buys a deadly poison Act 5 scene 1: When Romeo take a hold of the poison Why does Romeo say that the vile poison is NOT a poison, but a liquid that will GIVE him life Because when he dies it will give him an eternal life with Juliet Act 5 scene 2: Where does Friar Lawrence quickly hurry? Because Romeo may be to rash and kill himself Act 5 scene 3: Where does this scene take place? Paris Act 5 scene 3: What has Paris come to do? Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do?

Romeo and Juliet Prologue? | Yahoo Answers

To be laid in Juliets grave Act 5 scene 3: Why does Romeo really have to hurry now? The page sees Romeo kill Paris and goes to tell the watchman Act 5 scene 3: When Romeo finally sees Juliet lying there what does her notice about her? For her to become a nun Act 5 scene 3: What was the flaw that destroyed Romeo? Rashness Act 5 scene 3: What are the two ways Juliet attempts to kill herself? By kissing Romeo she hoped to intake some of the poison as well, but that failed.

Romeo and Juliet: Study Guide Questions and Answers

She then took her dagger and stabbed herself. Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Capulet will gove Montague the wedding rights land,money, etc.

Romeo and Juliet Scenes

Create a free account or sign in to view multiple choice options Writing Prompt How does Walter Dean Myers use his prologue to convey the theme of star-crossed love? What are the most important things we learn about the conflict of the play in this first scene? Explain using evidence from the text. Key Questions? What do we learn about the setting from the prologue? What is the significance of the play being set in Italy, not England? What do we learn about the plot? Why does Shakespeare reveal so much about the play in just these few short lines? What might be his purpose in sharing so much from the very beginning? Who are Gregory and Sampson?

Romeo and juliet prologue explication answers english 9 - grillpointru

What do we learn about the feud between the Montagues and Capulets through these characters and their interactions? What do we learn about masculine honor in Verona through the interactions of these characters? Who are Benvolio and Tybalt? What role do they play in the brawl? What does the prince proclaim? How does Myers use the prologue to establish the setting? The conflict? How does he draw on Shakespeare here? Consider having students read an excerpt as a Do Now. The setting of the play is Verona, Italy, likely in the s, but lack of specifics about the actual setting make it possible for stage and film directors to be creative about the specific setting. The key detail being the presence of violence in the society in which it is set.

Romeo and Juliet: Prologue - The Folger SHAKESPEARE

I need help with some prologue questions from Romeo and Juliet. Can someone please help? Prologue Chorus: Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. What does Shakespeare mean by "star-crossed lovers"? What happens to the lovers?

Romeo and Juliet Prologue Activity

What is the subject matter for this play? What does the chorus ask of the audience in the last two lines? What is the name of the poetic form which Shakespeare uses for the Prologue? How many lines are there? Mark the rhyming pattern. Underline examples of poetic language Answer.

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