Saturday, April 10, 2021

Funny Test Questions And Answers

YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Funny Test Questions And Answers

[FREE] Funny Test Questions And Answers | HOT

You only have one match, so what do you light first? Answer: The match! Bay of Bengal is in which state? Answer: Liquid How can a man go eight days without sleep? Answer: By sleeping during the night If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what...

[DOWNLOAD] Funny Test Questions And Answers

What are those keys? Answer: Cookies! How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own? Answer: He kicked it up. Three men are on a boat. The boat sinks but only two people get their hair wet. Answer: The...

50 Best Question and Answer Jokes

What is the collective noun for a group of pandas? Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3? Which country do kiwifruit originate from? Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons from Kiss insure for one million dollars? Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime-time television? What Benedictine monk invented champagne? In which country are Panama hats made? Which European country has verses to its national anthem? From which country do French fries originate? If you dug a hole through the centre of the earth starting from Spain, which country would you end up in?

Funny Test Answers from Hilarious Kids

Which sea creature has three hearts? True or false: You can sneeze in your sleep? The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? Which European country eats the most chocolate per capita? Only two mammals like spicy food — what are they? Hopefully you got a few of them though. Funny quiz questions: Answers 1. Rocky Mountain oysters also known as prairie oysters are a delicacy made from bull testicles. And yes, they are as disgusting as they sound. Found on the northern tip of the North Island, Ninety Mile Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in New Zealand — even if you only get to enjoy it for 55 miles. Any of you get this one? All of them! Trick question that one… 6. A Bombay duck is a particularly pungent fish from India. I also use it far too much!? Charlie Chaplin. The irony, right? An embarrassment of pandas. How amazing is that one?

Funny questions with answers

Michael Jackson. One of the more random trivia questions here. Even though New Zealand are associated with kiwifruit, it was originally called the Chinese gooseberry, so it originated from China. That would be fried chicken. You have been warned. It was his infamous tongue. I have no idea why… Fred and Wilma Flintstone, that naughty duo. This is one of my favourite trivia questions ever. Panama hats are hand-woven in Ecuador by craftsmen hailing from the cities of Cuenca and Montecristi. Greece New Zealand. It might take you a bit of time though. Frozen cow dung. Switzerland Sin City itself, Las Vegas. Rude quiz questions: Picture round answers 1.

32 hilarious kids’ test answers that are too brilliant to be wrong

Answer: Land a flying saucer Trivia Question: Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what? Answer: Fried chicken Trivia Question: The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? Answer: Skunks Trivia Question: How many teeth does an aardvark have? Answer: Facial cheek Trivia Question: It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence? Answer: A blessing Trivia Question: Where were the fortune cookies invented? Answer: Cat Trivia Question: What animal cannot stick out its tongue? Answer: 10 million Trivia Question: According to Russian law, a homeless person must be where after 10 pm? Answer: At home Trivia Question: How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum? Answer: Mice Trivia Question: The police officers of the Washington officers to get a half-hour class about what?

8 Of The Best Wrong Answers Kids Have Given On Tests

Answer: Sitting down Trivia Question: On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day? Answer: Ice cream Trivia Question: What ailment kills the most fruit flies? Answer: Constipation Trivia Question: A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as? Answer: A lizard Trivia Question: Where do kiwi fruits originally come from? Answer: Someone who is full of beer Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a firefly? Answer: Beetle Trivia Question: What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon? Answer: Peach Trivia Question: What is strange about the reproductive system of male snakes? Answer: They have 2 penises Trivia Question: What is the fertilized egg of a duck called? Answer: Balut Trivia Question: What is the fear of long words known as? Answer: Hippopotomostrosesquippedaliophobia Trivia Question: What was the ice cream cone invented for? Answer: Its teeth Trivia Question: What are people who love eating ice called?

250+ Best General Trivia Questions and Answers

Answer: Portugal Trivia Question: What is it called when a bottle of champagne is open with a sword? Answer: Finland Trivia Question: What sport has been played on the moon? Answer: Chinese Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a bustard? Answer: Esperanto Trivia Question: What is someone who shoes horses? Answer: A farrier Trivia Question: How many noses does a slug have? Answer: Four Trivia Question: Which dinosaur had 15 horns? Answer: Kosmoceratops Trivia Question: What is the world record for number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting? Answer: 74 Trivia Question: What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time? Answer: Bananas Trivia Question: What language has the most words? Answer: English Trivia Question: What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value?

Funny Test Answers

Answer: Four Trivia Question: What is the common name for enuresis? Answer: Strengths Trivia Question: Unless one is a magician, what is illegal to own as a pet in Queensland, Australia? Answer: Retract its claws Trivia Question: Cockroaches do what every fifteen minutes? Answer: A condom Trivia Question: If one is wearing a swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for one to do?

20 Hilarious Test Answers From Kids That Are So Wrong They’re Right

Edgar Hoover not want people walking on? Answer: His shadow Trivia Question: When people are frightened, their ears produce more of what? Answer: Womb Trivia Question: The space between your nostrils is called a what? Answer: Bad smelling odor from sweat Get the best of Thought Catalog in your inbox. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Submit You're in! See you Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our about page.

14 Funny & Genius Homework Answers!

Students tend to learn when education is interesting and entertaining. This will likewise give teachers sufficient time to interact with children and in addition keep the time management beneficial. Applying this strategy in classroom will increase productivity and efficiency, improve common sense and draw interest of both students and teachers. Answer: Because they have huge fans! What is in middle of Paris? Answer: Tomorrow If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors? Answer: Survivors are not buried. What is the major difference between a bird and a fly? Answer: A Bird can fly but a fly cannot bird! Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

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Answer: Stop imagining If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first? Answer: The match! Bay of Bengal is in which state? Answer: Liquid How can a man go eight days without sleep? Answer: By sleeping during the night If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?

30 Fun Maths Questions with Answers

Answer: It will become Wet. Sound Smart with These Riddles What can be broken, but is never held? Answer: A promise It goes all over the world, but always stays in a corner. What is that? Answer: A Stamp! What does come down but never goes up? Answer: Rain What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks? Answer: Day breaks and night falls What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with? Answer: A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body? Answer: A coin Most of the kids love to carry these keys. What are those keys? Answer: Cookies! How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own? Answer: He kicked it up. Three men are on a boat. The boat sinks but only two people get their hair wet. Answer: The third man was bald.

Funny Iq Questions And Answers

What does everyone need, want, and ask for but never take? Answer: Advice I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I? Answer: Soap.

Funny Quiz Questions & Answers (2021) - Fun for Kid, Teacher & Student

How many times does the average person laugh in a day? What is a Rocky Mountain oyster? What is the Italian word for pie? How many months have 28 days in them? What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck? What is the correct term for a question mark immediately followed by an exclamation mark? In which month does the German festival of Oktoberfest mostly take place? Which movie star enter a look-a-like content about himself only to come 3rd in it? What is the collective noun for a group of pandas?

100+ Funny Trick Questions and Answers That’ll Make You Think Hard

Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3? Which country do kiwifruit originate from? Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons from Kiss insure for one million dollars? Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime-time television? What Benedictine monk invented champagne? In which country are Panama hats made? Which European country has verses to its national anthem?

Logic riddles and question with answers

From which country do French fries originate? If you dug a hole through the centre of the earth starting from Spain, which country would you end up in? Which sea creature has three hearts? True or false: You can sneeze in your sleep? The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? Which European country eats the most chocolate per capita? Only two mammals like spicy food — what are they? Hopefully you got a few of them though. Funny quiz questions: Answers 1. Rocky Mountain oysters also known as prairie oysters are a delicacy made from bull testicles. And yes, they are as disgusting as they sound. Found on the northern tip of the North Island, Ninety Mile Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in New Zealand — even if you only get to enjoy it for 55 miles. Any of you get this one? All of them! Trick question that one… 6. A Bombay duck is a particularly pungent fish from India. I also use it far too much!?

Can You Answer These 21 Mind-Blowingly Funny Interview Questions?

Charlie Chaplin. The irony, right? An embarrassment of pandas. How amazing is that one? Michael Jackson. One of the more random trivia questions here. Even though New Zealand are associated with kiwifruit, it was originally called the Chinese gooseberry, so it originated from China. That would be fried chicken. You have been warned. It was his infamous tongue. I have no idea why… Fred and Wilma Flintstone, that naughty duo. This is one of my favourite trivia questions ever. Panama hats are hand-woven in Ecuador by craftsmen hailing from the cities of Cuenca and Montecristi. Greece New Zealand. It might take you a bit of time though. Frozen cow dung.

100 Fun Quiz Questions and Answers

Funny questions with answers Funny questions with answers Ferris Jr. Irrespective of the simplicity of these trivia questions and answers, they are very interesting. In case, if you stumble across some more of such fun questions, do share them with us. There are toss-up questions and Who Am I? Reading through these trivia questions is super fun, and it can also help you learn all kinds of new facts and tidbits of information. By Alexis Hobbs. About Cuemath Cuemath, a student-friendly mathematics and coding platform, conducts regular Online Live Classes for academics and skill-development, and their Mental Math App, on both iOS and Android , is a Dumb trivia quiz questions with the answers. The world is a strange and funny place.

+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers | Thought Catalog

These 20 funny questions to ask people will open up the channels of communication between you and your date and ensure that, however the date goes, it'll certainly be memorable. So they react to silly or boring homework questions sharply and unexpectedly by giving funny homework answers. That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. Great Clean Jokes 3. As humorous as these funny trivia questions and subsequent answers might seem, there is a level of knowledge impeded in them notwithstanding the fact that most people always look out for the comic side of it, which will always get one laughing.

Fun Quiz: Can You Answer These Tricky Stupid Questions?

Reply Thu 25 Sep, am 1. The host asks the questions and offers the choices. Some trick questions provide laughs because they are so silly. Starting a conversation can be tough. In this article, we discuss why interviewers ask funny questions and how to answer them. Ummm Happy and you know it. Which Australian marsupial enjoys eating eucalyptus leaves? A punch of funny questions and their funny answers. This list covers trivia questions and answers from a wide range of subjects from technology to business, geography, art, science, computers, sports, and many other categories.

35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers

And contain the questions and answers you need to have a fun trivia night. On Sunday in Florida it is illegal for a single woman to do what? A: Skydive. These are different from any creative writing. Name the largest freshwater lake in the world? Answer: Lake Superior. Be prepared for some surprises! Which bad habits of other people drive you crazy? This quiz is full of fun questions.

Funny Test Answers From Kids

Well, we are not talking about the question related to your personal life. Fair to partly cloudy. Questions and answers 1. By Adele Cosgrove-Bray. The average person does what thirteen times a day? A: Laughs. Incorporating icebreaker questions into your presentation is a simple and fun way to engage your audience, lighten the mood, and encourage camaraderie amongst your attendees.

30 fun quiz questions and answers to test your general knowledge - Cambridgeshire Live

What is a Rocky Mountain oyster? Fun Trivia Ice-Breakers Questions 1. Funny Trick Questions. The first person to correctly answer a question wins that round. This is the longest of the trivia pages and has a TON of information about Christmas in the form of fun trivia questions. Why are manholes round? Our online funny trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top funny quizzes. Our every question of the random trivia questions and answers list has been checked by the professionals.

Funny Picture Quiz Questions

The Average American does what 22 times a day? A: Opens Fridge. Fun Trivia Films Questions 6. Trivia questions also make excellent ice breaker questions if you're looking for questions to ask a crush or someone you're just getting to know for the first time. Tulamamas baby trivia has 40 baby trivia questions and answers. These funny trick questions and answers has a way of leaving a charming smile even on the gloomiest of faces.

The Top 40 Most Hilariously Wrong Exam Answers

Some really fun questions about Thanksgiving history and its traditions. Siri is supposed to do everything a personal assistant would — schedule dates, set reminders, find directions, send messages or make calls via voice commands. There is a lot of fun to be had by hearing some of the questions be answered incorreclty. Ask them the following questions; one at a time. Photo by Brittney Butler on Unsplash. If you want to prepare for an upcoming interview, it is best to practice many interview questions, including funny answers to funny questions. Read The questions below are so stupid I had to capitalize "Stupid". Here are 30 questions you won't believe people really asked on Quora. Some are easy, some hard. Poll Everywhere coaxes participants out of their shells by letting them answer your icebreakers on their phones or devices — not in front of their peers. What two things can you never eat for breakfast? See more ideas about funny questions, funny questions with answers, this or that questions.

+ Interesting Trick Questions and Answers That'll Make You Think Hard

Admittedly, a lot of the so called funny pub quiz questions aren't all that funny. Y: The world is a strange and funny place. Welcome to Family Feud Questions where there is loads of wholesome fun for the whole family! Enjoy a wide range of trivia questions that are both simple and fun to answer. They'll test your general Trick questions put your thinking skills to the test—and we have of the most confusing, tricky and hard questions with answers! Plus, they make good questions to ask people, too. Non-tricky questions are easy to guess and you will be able to answer more conveniently, which means they are fun easy quiz questions and answers. The good news is that the problems with Yahoo Answers are a big part of the appeal of the site. Check out more of the cutest mistakes that kids have made. Q: What do you call a clairvoyant midget who just broke out of prison?

Smart IQ Test - 13 Mind Trick Questions

A: A small medium atAnd contain the questions and answers you need to have a fun trivia night. Above is page 1 of three. While these aren't your usual knock-knock jokes, these random and funny trivia questions are sure to brighten your day! So read on; hopefully, one will put a Funny quiz questions: Answers. Ask your friends these funny questions or try to answer them yourself. You never know what kind of answers you're going to get, and that's what makes it exciting! Whether you're making conversation at dinner or killing time on a road trip, these questions to ask spark conversations and form connections. Whether youre looking for fun questions to ask at a baby shower or if you need baby. The trivia questions that not only get the best response but also entertain the players or teams the most are the most fun questions.

100+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

Over the years, students have chanced their arm with entertaining answers to exam questions to try and appeal to their teachers funny side. If you are bored or just seeking fun, you should try going through this list of fun trivia questions and answers. Instead, entertain yourself with questions for couples. How many times does the average person laugh in a day? High school students are lazy sometimes, but they can be no less creative and witty than adults can. If you were a teenager or young adult in the s, it's fun to answer the trivia questions on your own. I still respect the stupid people who asked them though, because without them the world would be totally smart and you would have nothing to laugh at. Kayla Rutledge is a college student who spends most of her time writing, singing for her church and eating quesadillas. Kids especially will love our funny trick questions. Do you have a moment? Living a life of denial and suppressed rage. They have also been created in Mentimeter which will let you quickly create the perfect quiz.

Fun Riddle Quizzes -

Our trivia questions are based on general knowledge so you do not have to worry about not including the kids. Each of the following quizzes is a balanced and fun mix of questions about everything from history to movies to nature. We are covering some curious and interesting questions along with fascinating answers that might amaze you. Regardless of how an answer can be derived, here is a selection of some of the most funny unanswerable questions that have been shared.

Hilarious Test Answers From Kids

Guaranteed To Make you Laugh! Browse and share these funny jokes on Social Media. A: A stick. Q: What do you call a clairvoyant midget who just broke out of prison? A: A small medium at large. A: You can hide your own easter eggs. A: About 3 inches Q: How do you know if a blonde has been sending e-mail? A: You see a bunch of envelopes stuffed into the disk drive. Q: Why do most women pay more attention to their appearance than improving their minds? A: Because most men are stupid but few are blind. Q: What do you call a group of blondes on roller skates? A: A mobile sperm bank. Q: How do you tell a male chromosome from a female chromosome? A: Pull down its genes. Q: What do breasts and martinis have in common? A: One is not enough and three are too many.

18 Extremely Funny Test Questions

The fact that they are being so innocently honest can actually result in some of the most hysterical and amusing comments that were ever made. When it comes to kids, expect nothing but pure creativity. In any case, we think he should at least get some points for logic. The finish line If the drawing on this test was to come to life , we would say the person who drew this deserves to finish first, just for that sweet and honest spelling mistake. The power of movies Not only kids are like sponges that absorb everything they see on television or in video games, so are adults. Someone has been watching a little bit too much of the Hunger Games franchise. Can someone please tell this person that killing people is not the first and most appropriate solution for overpopulation. They know how it works This boy knows how to set his priorities straight and we have a feeling he will be doing quit well in life when he grows up.


The X factor Wow, someone really studied hard for this one! If all test in life were as easy as this one, we would all have a better life. This kid definitely has the X factor when it comes to solving math problems. It all started with.. Do you think someone is influenced by television shows? When you think about, the Big Bang Theory really has become such an inseparable part of our lives that it could totally be counted as a legit answer on a test.

Funny Quiz Questions With Answers In Hindi

Sweet math The guy who answered this test question was so confident about his answer that he needed to repeat it twice. We just wonder how Hope came up with these names for these shapes. We guess this student had nothing to write so he wrote the first thing that was came up to him when he saw the instructions. Pure love This is so innocent, lovely and adorable that we think this kid should get the extra credit just for being so sweet. His or her parents must have such a lovey dovey relationship that this is what they think about the world and about relationships. All the Saturn ladies Someone here is a really big fan of Beyonce that they think every question in life has something to do with a song by the Queen herself.

30 fun quiz questions and answers to test your general knowledge

Lost in translation Hysterical! He sure did take on the role of a Chinese immigrant describing his experiences, even if he had no idea what he was writing about. To us it looks like a very authentic Chinese letter. At least this kid was honest about his financial deals at home. Lucky him. Two polar bears Hey, at least they figured out they got the math wrong so they crossed out the original number and corrected it. What do you want to be when you grow up? You know what, most chances this person will be dead in years, so this question is wrong in so many ways to begin with. Some of the answers here, despite them being cheeky, are actually pretty straight forward and correct. Like, what is the reason for divorce? Simple math If there is one thing more annoying than math questions, are those questions asking to explain how you reached your answer.

35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers ( Quiz)

Why is it so important for teachers to understand the logic behind your answer if you got it right? In fact, a brain is considered delicious to people who understand in food. The spelling bee Ten out of ten — brilliant. This kid was so smart that we can forgive his semi-cheaty answers. Kids can be cruel We already know that kids tell the truth and they have no filter mechanisms, but this also results in some very cruel answers and behavior. Inappropriate relationship Student-teacher relationships can be a very sensitive topic in schools and it is definitely not something that is seen in a good light. Literally amazing How do you explain the fact that of all words that this kid was asked to spell, the only one they got right was the one word which means not being able to read or write.

20 Funny Exam Answers ideas | funny exam answers, exam answer, funny

The answer is very considerate, thoughtful and caring of the person who answered this. As condescending as it may be, it does make sense in a way. Math made easy There are new rules to thousands of years of math, and here they are. To the greatest mathematicians, this act might be considered as a sin, but it pretty funny. Gary Busey The actor did have a couple of movies or television shows, that could sound like they come from the world of science, such as Point Break or Gunsmoke, but to have an answer based entirely on Gary Busey is a bit far fetched. Deal with it What do you do when you fall on the ground and scratch your knee? You get up and deal with it. But when you are required to answer an exam question and you have no idea what to write, just go with bacon or your favorite choice of food. Maybe the teacher would be so hungry while grading that they would actually accept it.

20 Test Answers From Kids That Are So Wrong They're Right — InspireMore

Piano practice We certainly do not imply that playing the piano makes someone a nerd, but this is just too hysterical. It just proves how kids see other kids and their straight forward answers, as insulting as they may be, are just simply hilarious. Dream big If all dreams were so easy to achieve like this one of becoming Michael Jordan, except for the whole becoming black part. The shape of a number Is it just us, or does this answer sound like it was taken from Clueless? It just sounds like something Cher would say. What is love? We think answering it with lyrics of a famous song is pretty legit. We bet the teacher was very amused when she read the answer. The animal activist Kids are the best. Sisterhood First of all, why would anyone command their sister to do anything? It is very burlesque-y of this creative person.

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